Feel Your Way To Success

Whatever you want to achieve, the approach is the same: imagine it; feel it; receive it. You see, whatever you imagine with feeling you must receive. Every goal is powered by a feeling, therefore any goal that has no emotion driving it will feel like hard work and waste of energy.

Whatever you imagine and feel create everything around you; life doesn't just happen to you. You've been receiving everything according to the thoughts and feelings you've been giving. So, if you want to have a great life, then you should focus your thoughts and feelings on good things. In every way possible, shun negative thoughts; let go of any thoughts that make you feel bad, because the way you feel is all there is.

Your subconscious is the power house and multipurpose factory that creates your reality. It is always responding to how you feel. So, your emotions are endlessly shaping the creative process of your subconscious mind. By your thoughts and your feelings, you are choosing what your subconscious will manufacture for you! 

It has been scientifically proven that over ninety per cent (90%) of our activities are subconscious! That is, less than ten per cent (10%) of our actions are controlled by our conscious mind. In effect, your goal has less than 10% chance of success if it is solely reliant on your conscious mind. Therefore whatever directs your subconscious mind practically directs your life.

The question then is, “how do you control the subconscious?” Simple, through your feelings! Get this, your subconscious will (nine out of ten times) never create anything contrary to how you've been feeling. So, when you habitually feel good, be 90% assured that you are creating a good future for yourself.

But if what you've been receiving in life leaves much to be desired, then how you'd been feeling hasn't been very good. It's as simple as that.

If you control how you feel, you will control your subconscious mind and so control your life. How you feel about everything in life is what you are living.

All the things you want in life also want you, but you have to feel good for them to appear in your life. It isn't that your good feelings make them appear. They have always been available, but you can only be conscious of these things when you feel good!

When you habitually feel bad, good things of life will be under your nose and you won't see them because you are not tuned to them. What you want has a frequency (very much like a radio or TV station), but you must tune into that frequency to receive it.

Everything you desire is motivated by the good feelings it gives you; so you must feel good to get it! In a sense, life is responding to how you feel. The better you feel, the better life gets.

It is what you feel that matters! Don't wait till life gets better before you feel good, you may wait forever. Feel good now! Don't wait for others to make you feel good. Feel good now! Don't wait for the government to make you feel good. Feel good now!

For more on how your feelings create success, click here: Commanding Your Success.